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A warm, if somewhat belated, welcome to 2015!

I hope everyone has had both a lovely holiday season and an easy start to the year. The start to the year for my family was a bit difficult I'm sad to say, which is why I have been quite tardy in getting back into the swing of work. But hopefully it's all behind us now and I can get on with the serious business of making beautiful pictures and sharing them with you.

In the bit of down time I have had I've done a bit of mining the archives for some new old images, so to speak. That is, I have been discovering quite a few images that I obviously overlooked at the time but now, with the distance of time, I find I really like. I do this a lot. It seems I often need that space to see more clearly. Anyhoo, if you're inetersted in having a wee look-see at what I have been working on just click right here.

If you are interested in keeping up with new works and new products as they are added to the website I invite you to sign up to my regular newsletter. You would also get to learn a little about the stories behind some of the images as well as any up-coming projects. I aim for about once a fortnight so you would never be inundated by spam from me, I can assure you. The only extra email that might go out would be to alert subscribers to a sale that may pop up in between regular mail outs. So if that appeals I would love you to sign up either by scrolling down to the bottom of this page where you'll find a sign up form or if you're on Facebook you can click right here.

Here's to a fabulous 2015.

Tiff xxx

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